Thank You Notes: Handwritten or Emailed
In an increasingly informal digital world, the question is still raised, would handwriting a thank you note create the best impression, or is it over the top? Would sending a quick email show your enthusiasm and appreciation, or would it be considered overly casual and rude?
Consider this, in a 15-minute period, you could be texting your boss, sending a Facebook message to your girlfriend, emailing a colleague in another country and FaceTiming with your parents for their anniversary.
Communication has become so accessible that you can contact anyone on the planet in no time at all.
Thanking people is a way of respecting them by showing appreciation. Appreciation is one of the greatest human needs. People like being appreciated and receiving a handwritten thank you note makes them feel good. A thoughtful thank you note makes us appear considerate and appreciative.
Which is why writing a handwritten note to say thank you is all the more important. It shows sincere appreciation as it simply took a little more time and effort
Situations where Thank You Notes are appropriate:
- Whenever you receive a gift
- Whenever you interview for a Job
- After attending a beautifully catered party, especially if the host has gone through a massive ordeal to prepare for it.
- Whenever someone does something to help you in your personal or professional life
Tips for Thank You Notes:
A thank you note consists of 3 or 4 carefully crafted sentences:
- An appreciation of the item or favor.
- Something else about the item or favor.
Mention how the gift will be used.
- End with a suggestion of a future meeting.
Another great tip, is to have beautiful stationery made up for this exact purpose. Preferably something with your company’s letterhead, or a simple footnote saying, “From the desk of Mr Jones…” at the bottom of the page.
If you want to take it a step further, have a wax stamp made up for an exquisite finishing touch to all your handwritten thank you notes.
Lastly, remember that if you want to create lasting impressions and stick out from the crowd at the same time, then continuing to pull out a pen and paper is a way to distinguish yourself.
Always remember that good manners are about more than fulfilling bare-minimum social obligations. They are an opportunity for us to connect to the people in our lives in a meaningful way. The smallest effort can go the longest way.
Below you will find an example of a great thank you note:
Dear Nkuli
Thank you for my necklace. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to wear it to my next formal occasion. I’m looking forward to seeing you again when you visit next summer.