Prominent Press Mentions
Here is just a quick list of prominent Press Mentions that have made use of our knowledge:
Sunday Times, CNBC Africa, The Star, Times Live, e-News, Destiny Magazine, Destiny Man Magazine, Daily Maverick, 702 Talk radio, Glamour Magazine and Voice of America.
These are but a few press houses that have made use of our global knowledge but please take this opportunity to read through some of the articles published.
Interview with Gareth Cliff
Social Rules For Etiquette
SAfm Living Redefined with Sechaba Gqeba
Press Mentions
Many people believe etiquette to be outdated but today, it is more necessary than ever before. It affects your life in immeasurable ways with many of our students reporting positive results that they never believed possible before. In fact, etiquette is critical to personal and professional success.
Our team brings together knowledge from all across the globe specialising in human behaviour and social dynamics. In fact, there is no other organisation in Africa that offers such specialised expertise in this field.