The Etiquette of Salad Prepping
Have you ever received the beady eye after helping prepare a salad at someone’s house and without much said, you are well aware that you have cut the ingredients the wrong way (according to your host’s standards)? Immediately you experience the unspoken tension in the air.
A salad, in many women’s minds is a reflection of their family tradition, personal creativity and freedom of expression.
We all have our own specific way of cutting the ingredients for our salad as with etiquette, one needs to adapt to one’s surroundings. Best option, when you arrive at your host’s house and like any good guest, ask if you may assist with prepping the salad, best you ask your host how exactly they would like the ingredients cut.
Main rule- ask your host how exactly they would like each ingredient cut.
A tip to keep in mind:
Prepping and making food is the fun part, cleaning up afterwards is not. If you do assist your host with prepping, be sure to clean up after yourself. Avoid leaving the chopping board out with all the leftover peels etc and make sure to wipe the surfaces clean.
Table manners for cutting up salad.
For some time there has been a myth regarding whether one should or should not cut their salad.
Well we can tell you that whatever the occasion, large pieces of lettuce or other salad greens can be cut with a knife and fork or fork alone.Just avoid cutting the salad into smaller pieces all at one time.