Meeting the parents for the first time – 5 Do’s and Don’ts for leaving a positive impression.
At some point in every relationship once your significant other starts to take you seriously, the inevitable “Would you like to meet my parents?” question arises. Now meeting your girlfriend’s parents may be a sign of a healthy relationship, but it’s also a nerve-racking experience. Very much like your first job interview.
You can feel yourself being judged as if they are working through a checklist in their minds, to see if you match up to their ideals.
The good news is that it is entirely possible to convince them that you’re worthy. Below we are going to be looking at five do’s and don’t for meeting her parents for the first time:
Leaving a Positive first Impression: Give a friendly greeting.
As soon as you meet the parents, look them in the eye, smile, and offer a firm handshake to both parents. Give a manly handshake, not a dead fish.
Leaving a Positive first Impression: Take a gift.
Whether it is a bottle of wine, flowers, a chocolate or a favorite snack that your girlfriend has mentioned they like, always take a gift. It is the quickest and easiest way to make not a good first impression, but a GREAT first impression.
Leaving a Positive first Impression: Be punctual.
First impressions last, and nothing makes a worse first impression than arriving late. Punctuality is the hallmark of a responsible and considerate person—exactly the kind of guy they want their daughter to continue seeing.
Leaving a Positive first Impression: Use correct titles of Address – Mr. and Mrs.
Yes, it is a different day and age, but don’t call her parents by their first names unless they ask you to. Using Mr. and Mrs. shows respect, which is always a highlighted point on their checklist.
Leaving a Positive first Impression: Have immaculate table manners.
The most elementary of skills, and yet so many fail to get this right. Remember the basics on this one. Don’t talk with food in your mouth full, order something that is easy to eat, talk with your mouth closed and for goodness sake swallow your food before taking a sip of your drink.
Leaving a Positive first Impression: Don’t overindulge on Alcohol
Having a drink may help to lighten the mood and put your nerves at ease, but having too many is a sure fire to kill your chances at a great first impression with her parents. Rather err on the side of caution and keep the drinking to a minimum.
Whether it’s dinner at their house or getting together the next time they’re in town, your first time meeting her parents is an event that deserves preparation. Use these tips in your preparation to make sure you put your best foot forward.
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