5 Indispensible Dating Tips for Men
75% of woman value chivalrous behavior.
It’s very simple… It all comes down to good old-fashioned manners…
In fact the word “chivalry” should be a turn-on word for a man, being defined as, “the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, dexterity in arms and gallantry toward women.” www.dictionary.com These tips will not only ensure a good start to your date but a good end and maybe even recurring dates, if you so choose…
1. Confidence – there is nothing more appealing than a man that oozes confidence. When you’re comfortable talking to, asking questions and showing interest in a woman, it says you have no qualms about yourself and have nothing to hide. If you are shy, keep asking her questions, it takes the pressure off you and generally people love to talk about themselves.
2. Call her and ask her out – although we may be in the techno age, there is nothing forgivable about asking a woman out on a date by sms. Recently the lines have become blurred between “dating” and “seeing” someone but nevertheless, the rules of engagement remain the same.
3. Fetch her from her door – sit in your car and wait for her to come, you’ll end up waiting your whole life for something to happen… There’s nothing more desired then the clichéd clip of the expecting woman opening the door as the valiant, well groomed knight turns around at that perfect moment. (Most women secretly love the clichés although many deny it.) End the night off with dropping her off at the door again, if you’ve done your job well – you may even be rewarded for your efforts…
4. Hold the door open for her – whether it is the car or restaurant door, nothing demonstrates a good upbringing more than a man who consistently does this… Every woman likes to believe that a man has had a present mother and father to teach him how to treat a woman. Such a simple action yet defining…
5. Pay the bill – You should pay for the first date’s bill. Following this the woman should either pick up the next date’s bill or start chipping in. We are in a modern world and it is time that men and woman start sharing costs equally since woman demand equality in every other regard.
Now this is not implying that you need to lose all “game”, most certainly not!! That’s what makes everything interesting… It’s merely offering the idea that a man who is perceived to be well-rehearsed in the art of chivalry and possesses good manners is far more likely to achieve the objective of a date then the “real” man who “slurps and burps”.