How To Be A Modern Gentleman Part 1
A modern gentlemen has definitely taken on a new form compared to the gentlemen of yester-year. However he still has a number of endearing qualities that make him indescribably unique.
Fortunately the same qualities that make him a rare breed, also make him easy to identify.
A modern gentleman is:
– Aware of the people around him and attentive to their needs
– A Gentleman is someone who puts everyone else at ease in any social situation
– He is well groomed & Charming
– Knows that the secret to charm is practicing moderation in all things. Especially with alcohol.
– Confident and self-assured
– Please, Thank You and You’re Welcome. The three magic phrases of any Gentlemen.
– Golden Rule of Gentlemanly behaviour – NEVER use any profanity.
– Patience is most definitely a virtue of the modern gentleman
– No airs and graces. Meaning a gentlemen never thinks himself above, or talks down to anyone.
– Complimentary- notices the small things about people
– And of course, Chivalrous.
The clothes and times will always change, but the qualities that make a gentlemen will always remain the same.
How a Gentleman should treat a lady
A recent survey was done with 200 women, when asked whether they wished men would exercise more chivalrous qualities, over 75% responded with a ‘Yes’.
When it comes to relationships I am in no way saying, you’ve got to open every door that you come across. But effort and attention to detail are appreciated and expected from a gentlemen. People always appreciate effort, whether it is a total stranger or your partner.
the modern lady has also taken on a new role making it very difficult for men to understand their place today.
– the modern lady is independent, self-sufficient, strong and the breadwinner in many families.
– The modern gentleman needs to allow this modern woman space.
– A gentleman should never show a woman chivalry in a business setting, however he should still behave in a chivalrous manner in social settings, allowing the woman the opportunity to choose whether she needs help.
A modern woman, still enjoys the man opening doors for her, helping her carry boxes or heavy shopping bags as well as offering a drink.